my life is their vacation

travels with a guidebook writer

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Yogyakarta, Java

A becak driver catches a quick nap on Jalan Malioboro. The city's becak drivers often come from the villages looking for work and find themselves living in their becaks.

Homes in central Yogyakarta cling to the riverbank. My Bahasa Indonesia language school was a five-minute walk from here.

Borobudur, Java

Built between 750 and 850 CE, Borobudur was later abandoned for reasons unknown. Borobudur, the world's largest Buddhist temple, was subsequently hidden under layers of volcanic ash and jungle growth for centuries. Rediscovered in the 19th century during English occupation of the island, it has since become a highlight of visiting central Java, especially at sunrise.

Borobudur's history of surviving a bombing and several earthquakes means that security is ever-present at this UNESCO-designated Heritage Site.


After days of life on an undereqipped boat, including a night on deck enduring a pounding rainstorm and high seas (plus a shark encounter during a snorkelling foray the next day), the uneventful public ferry ride from Lombok to Bali seemed almost a luxury. Entrepreneurial passengers sell snacks during the trip.

Rinca Island

A middle-aged dragon on Rinca. Komodo dragons' habitat consists of four remote, adjacent islands in the Lesser Sunda chain. This dragon was approaching a water buffalo, a favorite snack. Dragons feed primarily on carrion, attacking large prey and leaving it to feed on later, after death. With the nearest hospital several days away by boat, giving dragons a wide berth is smart.

Komodo Island

The remote nature of Komodo Island signifies that few visitors make it to the island. Komodo dragons roam freely, so it's necessary to hike with a ranger. The views of nearby islands render it worth the effort.

Rinca Island

Fishermen and their families often live in their boats, including these in port at Rinca Island.

Sumbawa Island

The sun setting behind Sumbawa mitigates the first night of a miserable boat journey to the eastern islands of Indonesia.